The larpmanager has a over 100 different features. There is one for every single aspect of event organizing: signups, accounting, writing, logistics.

Below you will find all the features available; you can write a search keyword to filter them. Then click on "tutorial", and you will see directly the video tutorial.


Defatul features, always available

Create OrganizationTutorialCreate a new organization in the systems, where you can define how many events and runs you'd like. Associazione
User informationTutorialDefine exactly which information will be asked from your user (and stored in the system) Associazione
Organization rolesTutorialChoose which users will be able to access the organization executive functions Associazione
Organization appeareanceTutorialCustomize the appeareance for your whole organization (all pages of the larpmanager for your subdomain) Associazione
Create EventTutorialCreate a new Event, and fully customize its options Associazione
Create Run / Customize itTutorialCreate a new run for an event, and fully customize its options Evento
Event rolesTutorialDefine which users will be able to use the event organizer functions Evento
Define ticket typesTutorialCreate new registration tickets to sign up to the event Evento
Event AppearanceTutorialDefine the appereance of all pages relating to the event Evento
Organization featuresTutorialFreely select the organization features you'd like to activate Evento
Registration questionsTutorialDefine questions that will be asked during singnup to the players (short text, long text, single choice, multiple choice) Evento
Registration optionsTutorialDefine options for the registration questions Evento
Privacy managementTutorialFunctions to give the user complete control on the privacy of their data Associazione
UploadTutorialIt is possible to upload elements directly from a CSV file. Associazione
DownloadTutorialIt is possible to download all data in the larp manager in a CSV file. Associazione
SearchTutorialIt is possible to search on all the elements in a page (registrations, characters, etc) Evento
Auto-saveTutorialAll writing elements are automatically saved every 30 seconds, avoiding losing work on browser crash. Evento


Features regarding how the event is managed / overall behaviour

Player cancellationTutorialNormally cancellations are performed only by the staff members. If this feature is active, players can cancel their registration in any moment. Evento
Experience PointsTutorialAdds support for XP (or PX), "experience points". Staffers can customize a list of "Abilities", each one with a XP cost (for example: "Shortsword, you can use swords up to 110cm - cost 2 PX"). They can also customize a list of "Delivery", each one giving out PX (for example "you have partecipated to June's game - amount 2 PX"). They can then assign to every character any combination of Abilities and Deliveries. The amount of total, used, and available PXs will be managed automatically. Evento
Customize characterTutorialPlayers will be able to customize the character assigned to them, directly with a form available on their character page. On the event page it will be possible to choose which elements the players can modify (for example the character name, preferred pronoun, public informations, a song). The customization will be effective only for the run to which the player is signed up to. Evento
LAOGTutorialThis event will be treated as a digital / online event (for example no membership will be required to partecipate) Evento
User create characterTutorialGives players the freedom to create their own characters. In the signup they are able to choose with which character to sign up to the game Evento
Custom messagesTutorialActivates custom messages for signup / assignment. This texts will be added to the mails sent to the players. Evento
Speed LarpTutorialActivates management of pre-larp introductory mini-scenes. It is possible to create any number of scene, to indicate which player will be present. The system will also make integrity tests (for example check that a player is not required in two scenes at the same time) Evento
User edit characterTutorialGives complete freedom to the user to edit it's assigned character: name, teaser, text - every field for every feature activated. Evento
CentauriTutorialBased on a given probability, shows a special page to users (and optionally gives an achievement) Associazione
CampaignTutorialAllows the characters and factions to be shared between different events (creating a "campaign"). In the Event configuration panel there will be a field "parent", where to put the parent event. All the events with the same parent will share the same characters and factions. Evento
Event T&CTutorialActivates a custom "Terms and Conditions" for this event. It will be possible to edit it on the Organizer panel. It will be shown during event registration (alongside organization-wide T&C, if present). Evento
DeadlinesTutorialActivates in the staff panel (and a overall review page in Inner Circle panel) showing the list of players that are late with different deadlines: payment, membership fee, membership request. Associazione
Multi LanguageTutorialNormally all events are offered in a default language (English). With this feature, it is possible to define a different language for the events. Associazione
Default event featuresTutorialWith this feature, in the organization panel it will be possible to define a subset of event features that will be automatically applied to all new events created. Associazione
Custom Mail ServerTutorialNormally, the larpmanager send email using its own mail servers - the email are sent by an address of <slug> With this feature, it is possible instead to give the connection details of an external mail server to be used. Associazione
Organization T&CTutorialActivates a "Terms and Conditions" for the whole organization. It will be possible to edit the text on the Executive panel. It will be shown during registration of all orga events. Associazione


Features regarding how the event is shown

Social ChatTutorialActivates a link for a social chat dedicated for the run, for example a whatsapp / telegram chat. This link will be shown in the event gallery. The field will be added to the "Run" form of the Organizer panel. Evento
AuthorsTutorialShow a text describing the authors of the event. A field to edit it is added to the Event form in the Organizer panel. Associazione
DescriptionTutorialShow a long description of the event. A field to edit it is added to the Event form in the Organizer panel. Associazione
GenreTutorialShow a small text detailing the genre of the event. A field to edit it is added to the Event form in the Organizer panel. Associazione
Show EventTutorialIn the home gallery display, show a link to the event page of the run. Associazione
WhereTutorialShow a text on where the event takes place. A field to edit it is added to the Event form in the Organizer panel. Associazione
WebsiteTutorialShow a link to a website detailing all the informations of the event. A field to edit it is added to the Event form in the Organizer panel. Associazione
Hide uncasted playersTutorialNormally, all players are shown in the event gallery, even the ones without a character assigned. If this feature is activated, those players will instead be hidden. Evento
TaglineTutorialShow a small description, a one-liner, a tagline. A field to edit it is added to the Event form in the Organizer panel. Associazione
Social groupTutorialActivates a link for a social group dedicated for the run, for example a facebook group. This link will be shown in the event gallery. The field will be added to the "Run" form of the Organizer panel. Evento
Guide urlTutorialActivates a link for a design document (event guide) url. This link will be shown in the event gallery. The field will be added to the "Event" form of the Organizer panel. Evento
Past eventsTutorialIn the main Organization gallery ( https://<slug> ) shows a link to past events. Associazione
Legal noticeTutorialIn every page will be added a link to a page detailing informations about Legal Notice. In the executive panel there will be the link to the form to freely edit its content. Associazione
Hide uncasted charactersTutorialNormally all characters are shown in the gallery. If this feature is activated, only characters that have been assigned to a player in the run will be shown. Evento
Custom appereanceTutorialIn the "Appereance" panel there will be fields to customize the look and feel of the event: background, font, text colors, even to input Css code. This code will be applied in all webpages regarding the event. Evento
VisibleTutorialAdds a field to control the visibility of the event. Hidden events will be no longer available. Associazione
CarouselTutorialActivates a new visualization of coming and old events, inspired by the popular streaming service. Associazione


Features regarding the registration / signups

Registration InstallmentsTutorialActivates the management of installments, fixed deadlines for the payment of the partecipation quota. It will be possible to define any number of due dates, and to define for any date the amount of the quota that needs to be given. Evento
Ticket visibilityTutorialAdds a "visible" field for tickets: non-visible tickets are not selectable by players. Evento
Patron & ReducedTutorialIntroduces two new types of tickets: "Patron" and "Reduced". The idea is that each "patron" ticket bought makes another ticket "reduced" available. In short, the number of available "reduced" tickets is the same of the number of "patron" tickets bought. Evento
Registration SurchargesTutorialIt is possible to define "Surcharges" for registration, amount that are added to all registrations that are made after a given date. Evento
InfoTutorialAdds a field in the registration form, where the player can input any kind of info / comments Evento
Waiting list TicketsTutorialActivates "waiting list" type of tickets . Those tickets are available only when all the main spots and/or filler are taken. Evento
Reg Que AllowedWith this feature it is possible to have a finer granularity on which staff members are allowed to see the players' answers to the registration question. Evento
RegQue FactionsTutorialIs it possible to make a registration question visible depending on the faction of the character assigned to the player. In the registration question edit form it will be possible to choose the factions it will depend from. Evento
RegQue TicketsTutorialIs it possible to make a registration question visible depending on registration ticket selected. In the registration question edit form it will be possible to choose the tickets it will depend from. Evento
Registration SectionsTutorialAllows to define Sections in the registration form. To any section it is possible to assign any of the registration questions. This is useful for long registration form, in order to have a clearer presentation. Evento
DiscountTutorialPlayers can use discount codes to decrease the price of the ticket. Any number of discounts can be generated, either active or not. Evento
Registration secret linkTutorialGenerates a special secret link, to be found in the staff panel. Players using this secret link will be able to sign up even if the registrations are currently closed. Could be used to allow early registrations for specific group of players (giving only to them the special link) Evento
Lottery TicketsTutorialActivates the management for "lottery" tickets: without limit and cost, with a function to select at random some of them to convert in regular tickets. Evento
RegQue ProfileTutorialIs it possible to add a profile image for registration questions; it will be shown directly under the question in the registration form. Evento
Registration QuotasTutorialActivates the management of quotas. It is possible to define any number of quotas, and during signup the player can choose wich one they want to apply (for example 1, 2 and 3). The full partecipation fee will be divided evenly in the number of defined quotas, with payment deadline for each quota divided evenly in the number of days left to the event. Evento
RegQue HideTutorialIs it possible to hide a registration question from the players. Organizers will still be able to see the answers, but players will not interact with them anymore. Evento
Register external linkTutorialNormally the player signs up using an internal registration form. With this feature, instead upone request of signup, the player will be redirected to the given register link. Evento
Registration Option AgeAllows some options to be visible only if the player has a minimum age. Evento
Pre-registerTutorialActivates "pre-registration" to events. Generates for each event a special link, where players can pre-register without cost. When there are multiple events, it requires players to give an order to the pre-regisrations. In the executive panel show the amount of top-5 pre-registrations for each event (count as valid only the pre-registrations in the first 5 as ordered by the player - in order to circumvent player pre-registering to everything) Evento
Registration OpenTutorialNormally the run sign up is open as soon as the event is visible. With this feature it is possible to define a date (and time) when the sign up will open; until that moment, the registration will be closed. Evento
Bring a friendTutorialActivates a special kind of discount, "bring a friend". In order to work, a player that is already signed up to the event, gives a code (unique to their registration) to a friend that isn't already signed up; when they do so, both the players get the discount. Evento
Filler TicketsTutorialActivates management of "filler" tickets. Those are players to which are given characters with an lighter character sheet, ready to take the spot (and the character) of players that drop out the morning of the game. Evento
RegOpt Staff priceTutorialIs it possible to put a price for a registration option, that will be applied to the registrations with a "staff" type on ticket, instead of the normal price. Evento


Features regarding the flow of money

OutflowsTutorialActivates the "Outflows": organizers and executives can input the expenses that have been made with the organization's finacial tools (and thus does not need to be reimbursed to anyone). Associazione
Pay what you wantTutorialIt is possible for players to freely choose an amount to add to their registration fee (for example for donations, or for helping with other players' fee). Adds a new field to the signup form where players can indicate the amount. Evento
Tokens / CreditsTutorialActivates the "Tokens / Credits": organizers can freely assign to members a value in Token, that can be used to pay for future events. Executives can freely assign Credits, that can be either used to pay for a following event, or to request an equal amount of real money. Associazione
RefundsTutorialActivates the "Refunds": members with a positive value of Credits can request that they are exchanged with "real" money, directly from their personal accounting page. Associazione
InflowsTutorialActivates the "Inflows": organizers and executives can input the revenue for an event that does not come player registrations. Associazione
RemindersTutorialThis feature will activate a daily automatic check on deadlines and payments. The system will send remainders email to all players that are late with payments of bureaucratic obligations. A new form will be enabled in the Executive panel, in order to configure its workings. Associazione
Organization TaxTutorialAdds an automatic computation for a "tax", an amount on each event's revenue that must be put aside for the organization. It is possible to choose the percentage amount for this "tax". Associazione
Payments feesTutorialWith this feature, you can indicate for each payment method the percentage to calculate as "lost" as a processing fee. You can also the option to add the fee to the ticket final price. Associazione
TreasurerNormally, the requests to validate the payments from players are sent to the event's organizers. With this feature it is possible to indicate a set of users that will instead receive the payment confirmation emails for all events. Associazione
ExpensesTutorialActivates the "Expenses": staff members can upload receipts of the expenses they have made for the event preparation. An Organizer can then accept those requests, and the staff member will receive an equal amount of Credits (that can be either used to pay for a following event, or to request an equal amount of real money) Associazione
ReceiptWith this feature, a PDF receipt will be generated and sent to the user upon every payment. The receipt template can be freely customized in the organization's text configurations. Evento
DonationTutorialThis feature allows users to freely donate money to the association. The link will be available in the users' personal accounting page. Associazione
CollectionTutorialActivates the management of collections - players pitching in to help another player. In the users' personal accounting page, they will be able to open new collection, share its link to other players, contribute, close it and communicate to the organization executive the name of the recipient. Associazione
Invoice VerificationTutorialActivates a function in the Executive panel. It is possible to upload a copy of all invoinces received from a financial system (for example a bank), and verify the payments approved in the larpmanager. Associazione
Record accountingTutorialWhen this features, each day the accounting of the organization (and the active larps) is recorded, and trend graphs will be shown based on that data. Associazione
Balance (ITA)Activates a balance summary, useful for legal Italian system reporting. Associazione
PaymentsTutorialActivates the "Payments": the larpmanager can receive payments from the players. In the Organization form it is possible to choose which payment methods to accept, and in the Executive panel it is possible to input the necessary codes for the integration. In the Organizer and Executive panel, it is possible to review all payments received. Associazione


Features regarding the writing process

Character custom fieldsIt is possible to define new custom fields for characters, that will be editable in the character form, will be shown to players in the gallery, and can be filtered on in the search page. Evento
PlotsTutorialActivates the "Plots", writing part of the character's character sheet. They are part that are not expected to be seen by the players: the authors define a plot (for example three characters that organized a heist) and assign the plot's parts to each character. Evento
PropsTutorialAdds an additional field "props" on the main writing elements (characters, factions, plots, etc). In this field it is possible to keep track of props that are required / needs to be prepared / to be given. Evento
TitleTutorialAdds an additional field "title" on the characters. It will be shown to the players, to indicate a short (2 or 3 words) title for the character (for example "Hound of War") Evento
ProloguesTutorialActivates the management of character's "prologues", that is short paragraphs that will be given to each player at the start of each game act. Could be used to give additional hints, or as an emotional guide for the exploration of the game's themes. Evento
FactionsTutorialActivates the "Factions", group for the characters. They may be either Primary (default way the character are divided: for example nations), Transversal (common attributes of the characters: for example Knights), or Secret (secret factions: for example Illuminati). Evento
Hide charactersTutorialAdds an additional field "hide" on the main writing elements (characters, factions, plots, etc). Those elements will be hidden from the players (but not from the staff). Evento
Player RelationshipTutorialAllows the players to directly prepare the full list of relationships of their character. They will be able to write the relationship summary, and then download such list in a easy-to-print format, with each relationship details and photo, and to bring to the event. This is useful because the player become familiar with the relationships on their own. Evento
CoverTutorialAdds an additional field "cover" on the character form. It is possible to upload an image, that will be shown in the gallery as the character icon (until it is assigned, and the player icon will be shown as the character) Evento
MottoTutorialAdds an additional field "motto" on the characters. It will be shown to be players, to indicate a short phrase that the character usually says. Evento
Working TicketTutorialThe system will check when a user is working on a writing element; if another user access it at the same time, the system will notifiy them, in order to avoid them interfering. Evento
ProgressTutorialAdds a field "progress" on the main writing elements (characters, factions, plots, etc). It is possible to indicate the working state of that element (draft, ready, approved, etc). Evento
PreviewTutorialAdds a field "preview" to all writing elements; the content of this field will be shown to the player to which the writing element is assigned, when "show preview" is activated in the run. It may be useful to share info about the character only with the player, before the full character sheet is released. Evento
Paste as textTutorialWith this feature, when something is pasted into the WYSIWYG editor, it is pasted as text (the formatting is automatically removed) Evento
GenderTutorialAdds an additional field "gender" for the characters. This field will be shown to be players, in order to indicate for example in an historical game, the gender of the character. Evento
PDF generationTutorialActivates generation of PDF version of character sheets / handouts. It is possible to upload a single template (in ODT format): this template will be used to generate PDF version of the texts uploaded. The generation is automatic and periodic: once the template is uploaded, new PDF will be available each time the origin text is changed. Evento
MirrorTutorialThis feature is useful for when you have secret roles (for example the waiter is the killer). You want the players to be able to indicate that they want to play the killer, without showing to which character it is assigned. In this case you create a "mirror": players will be able to select the preference to play the killer character, and when they get it, they receive automatically the waiter character. Evento
KeywordsTutorialAdds an additional field "keywords" on the main writing elements (characters, factions, plots, etc). This data will be shown when the element is shown to the players, can be used to specify keyword for that element (for example to indicate that a character has special characteristics / requests / needs). Evento
AssignedTutorialAdds an additional field "assigned" on the main writing elements (characters, factions, plots, etc). It is possible to indicate in this field a single member (taken from the staff members / organizers of the event). Could be used to track which member is responsabile for that element. Evento
Author RelationshipTutorialAllows the authors (writing team) to prepare the full list of relationships between characters. The players will be able to download such list in a easy-to-print format, with each relationship details and photo, and to bring to the event. This is useful for summarizing the character's relationships, and helping the player become familiar with them. Evento
SpecialTutorialAdds an additional field "special" on the character form. It is possible to indicate special types of characters (for example png, or filler) Evento
RolesTutorialAdds an additional field "role" on the characters. It will be shown to players, in order to indicate the role of the character (warrior / mage / rogue, for example). Evento
HandoutsTutorialActivates the "Handouts", a document / pre-written text to be given to players that contains information about a particular plot of the event. Evento
Co-creationAllows the organizer to ask question about the character, and the player to answer them. It will add a new field for organizer, where they can write those questions; it will shown directly below the character sheet. There the player will be able to write their answers. Evento


Features regarding character assingment to players

Casting AlgorithmTutorialActivates a special algorithm for assigning the characters. Players are given the choice to express preference on the characters they would like to play; the algorithm finds the mathematically optimal solution to the problem, finding the assignment that pleases the most the players' preferences. It is possible to indicate different "weights" for the different kind of tickets players can choose. Evento
Quest and TraitsTutorialActivates the "Quests", building blocks of the characters sheet. For each Quest, it is possible to define multiple "Traits". They are fully expected to be seen by the players, and furthermore, players will be able to choose which one they like the most (for example a quest with three traits, each one partecipated in the organization of a heist) Evento


Features regarding the users (players and staff members)

SafetyTutorialActivates the management of "safety" info on the players: triggers, lines, veils and similar. A new field will be available in the players' profile, where they can safely input those info. The user with "organizer" level of access on an event will be able to see the safety info inputted by the players signed up to that event. Associazione
NewsletterTutorialActivates in the "Inner Circle" panel a page that shows the mail lists of the organization's members, divided by their expressed preferences regarding newsletter communications. Associazione
Volunteer RegistryVolunteer Registry, compliant as required by RUNTS (Italian regulations) Associazione
HelpTutorialWith this feature, players will be able to submit questions directly on the larpmanager. The questions will be then notified by mail to all staff members of the event. Associazione
DietTutorialActivates the management of "diet" info on the players: dietary restrictions / allergies. A new field will be available in the players' profile, where they can safely input those info. The user with "organizer" level of access on an event will be able to see the diet info inputted by the players signed up to that event. Associazione
MembershipTutorialActivates management of legal membership. Players after sign up need to submit a membership application form (if they weren't already legal members), and are able to pay only upon admission by the Executive Board. Associazione
VoteTutorialWith this feature, members of the Organization can cast votes for the election of the Executive Board. Associazione
BadgeTutorialActivates the management of badges that can be assigned to the members of the organization (for example badges for the most active / most helpful). The collection of obtained badges will be shown of the player's public page. The badges are managed in the "Inner Circle" panel. Associazione
CompetenceTutorialManage competences for members. Directly on its personal profile, member of the organization can input their main abilities / knowledge / expertise. On the "Inner Circle" panel it will be possible to review the competences of all members. Associazione
ChatTutorialWith this feature players can send private messages to each other. The PMs will be sent by email (in this way players can communicate without sharing email contacts publicly). Associazione
Player Larp HistoryTutorialIn the player public page (the page showing public information about a player, accessible by everyone) shows the full list of events played by that player across all the LARP organization. Associazione


Features regarding misc aspects

ProblemsTutorialActivates the management of issues during the game with a tracking-like structure. Staff members indicate the different "problems" in the list, assigning severity and urgency. Evento
InventoryActivates the management of an inventory. Users with a "Inner Circle" level of access will be able to add and edit records in a table regarding the warehouse inventory, keeping track of where is each item. Associazione
ShuttleTutorialActivates management of shuttle requests. A new page will be available, where players can submit request for a shuttle service (to be picked up), and where staff members can keep track of the status of the requests. Associazione
AlbumActivates management of photo albums, hosted directly on the larpmanager (please be considerate of the disk space!) Evento
CopyTutorialCan copy anything (characters, factions, registration question / options / tickets, etc) directly from another event. Evento
Url ShortnerTutorialAdds in Inner a page to define shorter links for long urls Associazione
WorkshopsTutorialActivates management of online workshops questions, in a quiz-like format. In the staff panel, it is possible to define modules, questions and options. Players will then have to give the correct solutions to the questions. Useful to check for the players' understanding of the event guide the days before the game. Evento
UtilsTutorialActivates management of resources to host on the larpmanager. From the staff panel it will be possible to upload any file, that will be hosted and made available - either to the players, that can access with an "external" secret link), or internally to the staff / larpmanager. Evento